Nos prédications Ici vous pouvez (re)voir nos prédications. Ministry Activities [Guest speaker] 1 Peter 3:7 Show her consideration - so that nothing will hinder your prayers26 Jan 2025 [Together Association] "EYES TO SEE" BECOMING AN INTENTIONAL PARENT (Nicolas VAN)25 Jan 2025 Acts 18:1-19:40 Mission by discipleship19 Jan 2025 Act 17 Making the unknown God known12 Jan 2025 Acts 16 Guided mission5 Jan 2025 2024 End year sermon29 December 2024 2024 Christmas sermon15 December 2024 Acts 15:36-41: Mission divided1 December 2024 Acts 15: Conslidating mission24 November 2024 Acts 13+14: adventures in mission17 November 2024 Acts 13:1-3 the gospel spreads when christians listen to the Holy Spirit10 November 2024 Acts 7+8: Being a witness to Jesus, no matter what, no matter where, no matter when20 October 2024 Acts 6: mission threatened by division13 October 2024 Acts 5: the lie that kills6 October 2024 Acts 4: finding courage to witness for Jesus29 September 2024 The Acts of the Apostles #3 Mission Together15 September 2024 The Acts of the Apostles #2 Mission Launched8 September 2024 The Acts of the Apostles #1 Be My Witnesses1 September 2024 Four Problems and One Solution25 August 2024 Philippians series 5: Living in Peace23 June 2024 Philippians series 4: The Christian Life from A to Z16 June 2024 Philippians series 3: Living an other centered life9 June 2024 Philippians series 2: Living a Gospel centered life2 June 2024 Philippians series 1: 1.1-1126 May 2024 Pentecost: letter to Ephesians19 May 2024 Apologetic series 5: Do all religions lead to God?5 May 2024 Apologetic series 4: God loves you28 April 2024 Apologetic series 3: Science and faith21 April 2024 Apologetic series 2: why God allows suffering?14 April 2024 Apologetic series 1: Why do we believe there is a God?7 April 2024 Romans 14,15-When Christians disagree24 March 2024 Guest speaker sermon17/03/2024 How can I really change? Romans 1210/03/2024 Guest message: Joseph's story03/03/2024 Progressing in Faith with Mary17/12/2023 Romans series: Living in hope in difficult times03/12/2023 Guest message: John 10:1-1819/11/2023 Romans series: Living by the power of the Holy Spirit12/11/2023 Romans series: You are free from sin, but you are not free to sin05/11/2023 Romans series: A new Identity for a new Life22/10/2023 Romans series: Peace with God15/10/2023 Romans series: The bad news before the good news01/10/2023 The 10 commandments: #10 You shall not covet your neighbor's house.09/07/2023 The 10 commandments: #9 You shall not give false testimony02/07/2023 The best choice to love God25/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #8 You shall not steal16/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #7 You shall not commit adultery.09/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #6 You shall not murder02/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #5 Honor your father and your mother28/05/2023 Ten Commandments 4. "Keep the Sabbath holy"21/05/2023 Ten Commandments 3. Learning to love and respect God's name14/05/2023 The Ten Commandments 1&2 (Exo. 20:1-6)07/05/2023 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)16/04/2023 Open the eyes of our hearts09/04/2023 Three Things to do at Passover & Every week02/04/2023 What is man ? (biblical Anthropology)26/03/2023 Keeping Clean with Jesus (John 13:1-17)19/03/2023 Training_God's educational project for you (Heb. 12:4-13)12/03/2023 Without Doubt? (Tip for believers who doubt)05/03/2023 The Trinity (bible study)26/02/2023 Proud of the Cross? (Gal. 6:10-18)19/02/2023 The Spirit-led Church (Gal. 6:1-14)12/02/2023 Walk by the Spirit or by the desire of the flesh (Gal. 5:16-26)05/02/2023 Why I teach God's Word (Gal. 4:8-31)22/01/2023 A debt unpayable, an offer unhoped for (Mat. 18:21-35)15/01/2023 What do we do with the Old Testament? (Gal. 3:15-4:7) 08/01/2023 Attempts to cancel Christmas (II Chron. 22:10-23:3)18/12/2022 By Faith in Christ Crucified (Gal. 3:1-4)11/12/2022 What happened to me when I believed ? (Gal. 2:20)04/12/2022 Who is Jesus ? A man, God, or both ? 27/11/2022 Pourquoi es-tu si malheureux ?20/11/2022 How a major church split was avoided. (Gal 2:11-16)13/11/2022 Is the gospel INVENTED or REVEALED ? (Gal. 1:11-24)23/10/2022 How many ways to heaven ? (Gal. 1:1-9)16/10/2022 God's holiness training program (Exo. 19-Num. 16)09/10/2022 Know your enemy (Eph. 6:10-20)02/10/2022 Serving with a true heart (Eph. 6:5-10)25/09/2022 How Jesus transforms families (Eph. 6:1-4)18/09/2022 How Jesus transforms marriages (Eph. 5:21-33)11/09/2022 Mission today (Matt. 18:16-20)04/09/2022 Clothed in Christ (Romans. 13:13) 28/08/2022 Some thoughts about God's loving plan for nations (Gen. 12:1-3)19/06/2022 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:17-21)19/06/2022 A new life and a new way of living (Eph 4:17-32)01/05/2022 Resurrection Hope (1 Cor 15:3-9)17/04/2022 Body Building (Eph 4:1-16)03/04/2022 Good news about your citizenship (Eph 3:1-13)20/03/2022 Why do I need Church ?13/03/2022 Three Rs" (Eph. 2:11-22)06/03/2022 Saved ! (Eph: 2:1-10)20/02/2022 God's Biggest Blessing for You (Eph. 1:1-14)06/02/2022 Three reasons to love and serve Jesus (John 1:1-18)16/01/2022 Apologetic series 2: why God allows suffering?14 April 2024 Apologetic series 1: Why do we believe there is a God?7 April 2024 Romans 14,15-When Christians disagree24 March 2024 Guest speaker sermon17/03/2024 How can I really change? Romans 1210/03/2024 Guest message: Joseph's story03/03/2024 Progressing in Faith with Mary17/12/2023 Romans series: Living in hope in difficult times03/12/2023 Guest message: John 10:1-1819/11/2023 Romans series: Living by the power of the Holy Spirit12/11/2023 Romans series: You are free from sin, but you are not free to sin05/11/2023 Romans series: A new Identity for a new Life22/10/2023 Romans series: Peace with God15/10/2023 Romans series: The bad news before the good news01/10/2023 The 10 commandments: #10 You shall not covet your neighbor's house.09/07/2023 The 10 commandments: #9 You shall not give false testimony02/07/2023 The best choice to love God25/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #8 You shall not steal16/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #7 You shall not commit adultery.09/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #6 You shall not murder02/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #5 Honor your father and your mother28/05/2023 Ten Commandments 4. "Keep the Sabbath holy"21/05/2023 Ten Commandments 3. Learning to love and respect God's name14/05/2023 The Ten Commandments 1&2 (Exo. 20:1-6)07/05/2023 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)16/04/2023 Open the eyes of our hearts09/04/2023 Three Things to do at Passover & Every week02/04/2023 What is man ? (biblical Anthropology)26/03/2023 Keeping Clean with Jesus (John 13:1-17)19/03/2023 Training_God's educational project for you (Heb. 12:4-13)12/03/2023 Without Doubt? (Tip for believers who doubt)05/03/2023 The Trinity (bible study)26/02/2023 Proud of the Cross? (Gal. 6:10-18)19/02/2023 The Spirit-led Church (Gal. 6:1-14)12/02/2023 Walk by the Spirit or by the desire of the flesh (Gal. 5:16-26)05/02/2023 Why I teach God's Word (Gal. 4:8-31)22/01/2023 A debt unpayable, an offer unhoped for (Mat. 18:21-35)15/01/2023 What do we do with the Old Testament? (Gal. 3:15-4:7) 08/01/2023 Attempts to cancel Christmas (II Chron. 22:10-23:3)18/12/2022 By Faith in Christ Crucified (Gal. 3:1-4)11/12/2022 What happened to me when I believed ? (Gal. 2:20)04/12/2022 Who is Jesus ? A man, God, or both ? 27/11/2022 Pourquoi es-tu si malheureux ?20/11/2022 How a major church split was avoided. (Gal 2:11-16)13/11/2022 Is the gospel INVENTED or REVEALED ? (Gal. 1:11-24)23/10/2022 How many ways to heaven ? (Gal. 1:1-9)16/10/2022 God's holiness training program (Exo. 19-Num. 16)09/10/2022 Know your enemy (Eph. 6:10-20)02/10/2022 Serving with a true heart (Eph. 6:5-10)25/09/2022 How Jesus transforms families (Eph. 6:1-4)18/09/2022 How Jesus transforms marriages (Eph. 5:21-33)11/09/2022 Mission today (Matt. 18:16-20)04/09/2022 Clothed in Christ (Romans. 13:13) 28/08/2022 Some thoughts about God's loving plan for nations (Gen. 12:1-3)19/06/2022 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:17-21)19/06/2022 A new life and a new way of living (Eph 4:17-32)01/05/2022 Resurrection Hope (1 Cor 15:3-9)17/04/2022 Body Building (Eph 4:1-16)03/04/2022 Good news about your citizenship (Eph 3:1-13)20/03/2022 Why do I need Church ?13/03/2022 Three Rs" (Eph. 2:11-22)06/03/2022 Saved ! (Eph: 2:1-10)20/02/2022 God's Biggest Blessing for You (Eph. 1:1-14)06/02/2022 Three reasons to love and serve Jesus (John 1:1-18)16/01/2022 Apologetic series 2: why God allows suffering?14 April 2024 Apologetic series 1: Why do we believe there is a God?7 April 2024 Romans 14,15-When Christians disagree24 March 2024 Guest speaker sermon17/03/2024 How can I really change? Romans 1210/03/2024 Guest message: Joseph's story03/03/2024 Progressing in Faith with Mary17/12/2023 Romans series: Living in hope in difficult times03/12/2023 Guest message: John 10:1-1819/11/2023 Romans series: Living by the power of the Holy Spirit12/11/2023 Romans series: You are free from sin, but you are not free to sin05/11/2023 Romans series: A new Identity for a new Life22/10/2023 Romans series: Peace with God15/10/2023 Romans series: The bad news before the good news01/10/2023 The 10 commandments: #10 You shall not covet your neighbor's house.09/07/2023 The 10 commandments: #9 You shall not give false testimony02/07/2023 The best choice to love God25/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #8 You shall not steal16/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #7 You shall not commit adultery.09/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #6 You shall not murder02/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #5 Honor your father and your mother28/05/2023 Ten Commandments 4. "Keep the Sabbath holy"21/05/2023 Ten Commandments 3. Learning to love and respect God's name14/05/2023 The Ten Commandments 1&2 (Exo. 20:1-6)07/05/2023 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)16/04/2023 Open the eyes of our hearts09/04/2023 Three Things to do at Passover & Every week02/04/2023 What is man ? (biblical Anthropology)26/03/2023 Keeping Clean with Jesus (John 13:1-17)19/03/2023 Training_God's educational project for you (Heb. 12:4-13)12/03/2023 Without Doubt? (Tip for believers who doubt)05/03/2023 The Trinity (bible study)26/02/2023 Proud of the Cross? (Gal. 6:10-18)19/02/2023 The Spirit-led Church (Gal. 6:1-14)12/02/2023 Walk by the Spirit or by the desire of the flesh (Gal. 5:16-26)05/02/2023 Why I teach God's Word (Gal. 4:8-31)22/01/2023 A debt unpayable, an offer unhoped for (Mat. 18:21-35)15/01/2023 What do we do with the Old Testament? (Gal. 3:15-4:7) 08/01/2023 Attempts to cancel Christmas (II Chron. 22:10-23:3)18/12/2022 By Faith in Christ Crucified (Gal. 3:1-4)11/12/2022 What happened to me when I believed ? (Gal. 2:20)04/12/2022 Who is Jesus ? A man, God, or both ? 27/11/2022 Pourquoi es-tu si malheureux ?20/11/2022 How a major church split was avoided. (Gal 2:11-16)13/11/2022 Is the gospel INVENTED or REVEALED ? (Gal. 1:11-24)23/10/2022 How many ways to heaven ? (Gal. 1:1-9)16/10/2022 God's holiness training program (Exo. 19-Num. 16)09/10/2022 Know your enemy (Eph. 6:10-20)02/10/2022 Serving with a true heart (Eph. 6:5-10)25/09/2022 How Jesus transforms families (Eph. 6:1-4)18/09/2022 How Jesus transforms marriages (Eph. 5:21-33)11/09/2022 Mission today (Matt. 18:16-20)04/09/2022 Clothed in Christ (Romans. 13:13) 28/08/2022 Some thoughts about God's loving plan for nations (Gen. 12:1-3)19/06/2022 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:17-21)19/06/2022 A new life and a new way of living (Eph 4:17-32)01/05/2022 Resurrection Hope (1 Cor 15:3-9)17/04/2022 Body Building (Eph 4:1-16)03/04/2022 Good news about your citizenship (Eph 3:1-13)20/03/2022 Why do I need Church ?13/03/2022 Three Rs" (Eph. 2:11-22)06/03/2022 Saved ! (Eph: 2:1-10)20/02/2022 God's Biggest Blessing for You (Eph. 1:1-14)06/02/2022 Three reasons to love and serve Jesus (John 1:1-18)16/01/2022 Apologetic series 2: why God allows suffering?14 April 2024 Apologetic series 1: Why do we believe there is a God?7 April 2024 Romans 14,15-When Christians disagree24 March 2024 Guest speaker sermon17/03/2024 How can I really change? Romans 1210/03/2024 Guest message: Joseph's story03/03/2024 Progressing in Faith with Mary17/12/2023 Romans series: Living in hope in difficult times03/12/2023 Guest message: John 10:1-1819/11/2023 Romans series: Living by the power of the Holy Spirit12/11/2023 Romans series: You are free from sin, but you are not free to sin05/11/2023 Romans series: A new Identity for a new Life22/10/2023 Romans series: Peace with God15/10/2023 Romans series: The bad news before the good news01/10/2023 The 10 commandments: #10 You shall not covet your neighbor's house.09/07/2023 The 10 commandments: #9 You shall not give false testimony02/07/2023 The best choice to love God25/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #8 You shall not steal16/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #7 You shall not commit adultery.09/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #6 You shall not murder02/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #5 Honor your father and your mother28/05/2023 Ten Commandments 4. "Keep the Sabbath holy"21/05/2023 Ten Commandments 3. Learning to love and respect God's name14/05/2023 The Ten Commandments 1&2 (Exo. 20:1-6)07/05/2023 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)16/04/2023 Open the eyes of our hearts09/04/2023 Three Things to do at Passover & Every week02/04/2023 What is man ? (biblical Anthropology)26/03/2023 Keeping Clean with Jesus (John 13:1-17)19/03/2023 Training_God's educational project for you (Heb. 12:4-13)12/03/2023 Without Doubt? (Tip for believers who doubt)05/03/2023 The Trinity (bible study)26/02/2023 Proud of the Cross? (Gal. 6:10-18)19/02/2023 The Spirit-led Church (Gal. 6:1-14)12/02/2023 Walk by the Spirit or by the desire of the flesh (Gal. 5:16-26)05/02/2023 Why I teach God's Word (Gal. 4:8-31)22/01/2023 A debt unpayable, an offer unhoped for (Mat. 18:21-35)15/01/2023 What do we do with the Old Testament? (Gal. 3:15-4:7) 08/01/2023 Attempts to cancel Christmas (II Chron. 22:10-23:3)18/12/2022 By Faith in Christ Crucified (Gal. 3:1-4)11/12/2022 What happened to me when I believed ? (Gal. 2:20)04/12/2022 Who is Jesus ? A man, God, or both ? 27/11/2022 Pourquoi es-tu si malheureux ?20/11/2022 How a major church split was avoided. (Gal 2:11-16)13/11/2022 Is the gospel INVENTED or REVEALED ? (Gal. 1:11-24)23/10/2022 How many ways to heaven ? (Gal. 1:1-9)16/10/2022 God's holiness training program (Exo. 19-Num. 16)09/10/2022 Know your enemy (Eph. 6:10-20)02/10/2022 Serving with a true heart (Eph. 6:5-10)25/09/2022 How Jesus transforms families (Eph. 6:1-4)18/09/2022 How Jesus transforms marriages (Eph. 5:21-33)11/09/2022 Mission today (Matt. 18:16-20)04/09/2022 Clothed in Christ (Romans. 13:13) 28/08/2022 Some thoughts about God's loving plan for nations (Gen. 12:1-3)19/06/2022 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:17-21)19/06/2022 A new life and a new way of living (Eph 4:17-32)01/05/2022 Resurrection Hope (1 Cor 15:3-9)17/04/2022 Body Building (Eph 4:1-16)03/04/2022 Good news about your citizenship (Eph 3:1-13)20/03/2022 Why do I need Church ?13/03/2022 Three Rs" (Eph. 2:11-22)06/03/2022 Saved ! (Eph: 2:1-10)20/02/2022 God's Biggest Blessing for You (Eph. 1:1-14)06/02/2022 Three reasons to love and serve Jesus (John 1:1-18)16/01/2022 Apologetic series 2: why God allows suffering?14 April 2024 Apologetic series 1: Why do we believe there is a God?7 April 2024 Romans 14,15-When Christians disagree24 March 2024 Guest speaker sermon17/03/2024 How can I really change? Romans 1210/03/2024 Guest message: Joseph's story03/03/2024 Progressing in Faith with Mary17/12/2023 Romans series: Living in hope in difficult times03/12/2023 Guest message: John 10:1-1819/11/2023 Romans series: Living by the power of the Holy Spirit12/11/2023 Romans series: You are free from sin, but you are not free to sin05/11/2023 Romans series: A new Identity for a new Life22/10/2023 Romans series: Peace with God15/10/2023 Romans series: The bad news before the good news01/10/2023 The 10 commandments: #10 You shall not covet your neighbor's house.09/07/2023 The 10 commandments: #9 You shall not give false testimony02/07/2023 The best choice to love God25/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #8 You shall not steal16/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #7 You shall not commit adultery.09/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #6 You shall not murder02/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #5 Honor your father and your mother28/05/2023 Ten Commandments 4. "Keep the Sabbath holy"21/05/2023 Ten Commandments 3. Learning to love and respect God's name14/05/2023 The Ten Commandments 1&2 (Exo. 20:1-6)07/05/2023 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)16/04/2023 Open the eyes of our hearts09/04/2023 Three Things to do at Passover & Every week02/04/2023 What is man ? (biblical Anthropology)26/03/2023 Keeping Clean with Jesus (John 13:1-17)19/03/2023 Training_God's educational project for you (Heb. 12:4-13)12/03/2023 Without Doubt? (Tip for believers who doubt)05/03/2023 The Trinity (bible study)26/02/2023 Proud of the Cross? (Gal. 6:10-18)19/02/2023 The Spirit-led Church (Gal. 6:1-14)12/02/2023 Walk by the Spirit or by the desire of the flesh (Gal. 5:16-26)05/02/2023 Why I teach God's Word (Gal. 4:8-31)22/01/2023 A debt unpayable, an offer unhoped for (Mat. 18:21-35)15/01/2023 What do we do with the Old Testament? (Gal. 3:15-4:7) 08/01/2023 Attempts to cancel Christmas (II Chron. 22:10-23:3)18/12/2022 By Faith in Christ Crucified (Gal. 3:1-4)11/12/2022 What happened to me when I believed ? (Gal. 2:20)04/12/2022 Who is Jesus ? A man, God, or both ? 27/11/2022 Pourquoi es-tu si malheureux ?20/11/2022 How a major church split was avoided. (Gal 2:11-16)13/11/2022 Is the gospel INVENTED or REVEALED ? (Gal. 1:11-24)23/10/2022 How many ways to heaven ? (Gal. 1:1-9)16/10/2022 God's holiness training program (Exo. 19-Num. 16)09/10/2022 Know your enemy (Eph. 6:10-20)02/10/2022 Serving with a true heart (Eph. 6:5-10)25/09/2022 How Jesus transforms families (Eph. 6:1-4)18/09/2022 How Jesus transforms marriages (Eph. 5:21-33)11/09/2022 Mission today (Matt. 18:16-20)04/09/2022 Clothed in Christ (Romans. 13:13) 28/08/2022 Some thoughts about God's loving plan for nations (Gen. 12:1-3)19/06/2022 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:17-21)19/06/2022 A new life and a new way of living (Eph 4:17-32)01/05/2022 Resurrection Hope (1 Cor 15:3-9)17/04/2022 Body Building (Eph 4:1-16)03/04/2022 Good news about your citizenship (Eph 3:1-13)20/03/2022 Why do I need Church ?13/03/2022 Three Rs" (Eph. 2:11-22)06/03/2022 Saved ! (Eph: 2:1-10)20/02/2022 God's Biggest Blessing for You (Eph. 1:1-14)06/02/2022 Three reasons to love and serve Jesus (John 1:1-18)16/01/2022 Ici vous pouvez (re)voir nos prédications. Ministry Activities Apologetic series 2: why God allows suffering?14 April 2024 Apologetic series 1: Why do we believe there is a God?7 April 2024 Romans 14,15-When Christians disagree24 March 2024 Guest speaker sermon17/03/2024 How can I really change? Romans 1210/03/2024 Guest message: Joseph's story03/03/2024 Progressing in Faith with Mary17/12/2023 Romans series: Living in hope in difficult times03/12/2023 Guest message: John 10:1-1819/11/2023 Romans series: Living by the power of the Holy Spirit12/11/2023 Romans series: You are free from sin, but you are not free to sin05/11/2023 Romans series: A new Identity for a new Life22/10/2023 Romans series: Peace with God15/10/2023 Romans series: The bad news before the good news01/10/2023 The 10 commandments: #10 You shall not covet your neighbor's house.09/07/2023 The 10 commandments: #9 You shall not give false testimony02/07/2023 The best choice to love God25/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #8 You shall not steal16/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #7 You shall not commit adultery.09/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #6 You shall not murder02/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #5 Honor your father and your mother28/05/2023 Ten Commandments 4. "Keep the Sabbath holy"21/05/2023 Ten Commandments 3. Learning to love and respect God's name14/05/2023 The Ten Commandments 1&2 (Exo. 20:1-6)07/05/2023 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)16/04/2023 Open the eyes of our hearts09/04/2023 Three Things to do at Passover & Every week02/04/2023 What is man ? (biblical Anthropology)26/03/2023 Keeping Clean with Jesus (John 13:1-17)19/03/2023 Training_God's educational project for you (Heb. 12:4-13)12/03/2023 Without Doubt? (Tip for believers who doubt)05/03/2023 The Trinity (bible study)26/02/2023 Proud of the Cross? (Gal. 6:10-18)19/02/2023 The Spirit-led Church (Gal. 6:1-14)12/02/2023 Walk by the Spirit or by the desire of the flesh (Gal. 5:16-26)05/02/2023 Why I teach God's Word (Gal. 4:8-31)22/01/2023 A debt unpayable, an offer unhoped for (Mat. 18:21-35)15/01/2023 What do we do with the Old Testament? (Gal. 3:15-4:7) 08/01/2023 Attempts to cancel Christmas (II Chron. 22:10-23:3)18/12/2022 By Faith in Christ Crucified (Gal. 3:1-4)11/12/2022 What happened to me when I believed ? (Gal. 2:20)04/12/2022 Who is Jesus ? A man, God, or both ? 27/11/2022 Pourquoi es-tu si malheureux ?20/11/2022 How a major church split was avoided. (Gal 2:11-16)13/11/2022 Is the gospel INVENTED or REVEALED ? (Gal. 1:11-24)23/10/2022 How many ways to heaven ? (Gal. 1:1-9)16/10/2022 God's holiness training program (Exo. 19-Num. 16)09/10/2022 Know your enemy (Eph. 6:10-20)02/10/2022 Serving with a true heart (Eph. 6:5-10)25/09/2022 How Jesus transforms families (Eph. 6:1-4)18/09/2022 How Jesus transforms marriages (Eph. 5:21-33)11/09/2022 Mission today (Matt. 18:16-20)04/09/2022 Clothed in Christ (Romans. 13:13) 28/08/2022 Some thoughts about God's loving plan for nations (Gen. 12:1-3)19/06/2022 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:17-21)19/06/2022 A new life and a new way of living (Eph 4:17-32)01/05/2022 Resurrection Hope (1 Cor 15:3-9)17/04/2022 Body Building (Eph 4:1-16)03/04/2022 Good news about your citizenship (Eph 3:1-13)20/03/2022 Why do I need Church ?13/03/2022 Three Rs" (Eph. 2:11-22)06/03/2022 Saved ! (Eph: 2:1-10)20/02/2022 God's Biggest Blessing for You (Eph. 1:1-14)06/02/2022 Three reasons to love and serve Jesus (John 1:1-18)16/01/2022 Ici vous pouvez (re)voir nos prédications. Ministry Activities Apologetic series 2: why God allows suffering?14 April 2024 Apologetic series 1: Why do we believe there is a God?7 April 2024 Romans 14,15-When Christians disagree24 March 2024 Guest speaker sermon17/03/2024 How can I really change? Romans 1210/03/2024 Guest message: Joseph's story03/03/2024 Progressing in Faith with Mary17/12/2023 Romans series: Living in hope in difficult times03/12/2023 Guest message: John 10:1-1819/11/2023 Romans series: Living by the power of the Holy Spirit12/11/2023 Romans series: You are free from sin, but you are not free to sin05/11/2023 Romans series: A new Identity for a new Life22/10/2023 Romans series: Peace with God15/10/2023 Romans series: The bad news before the good news01/10/2023 The 10 commandments: #10 You shall not covet your neighbor's house.09/07/2023 The 10 commandments: #9 You shall not give false testimony02/07/2023 The best choice to love God25/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #8 You shall not steal16/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #7 You shall not commit adultery.09/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #6 You shall not murder02/06/2023 The 10 commandments: #5 Honor your father and your mother28/05/2023 Ten Commandments 4. "Keep the Sabbath holy"21/05/2023 Ten Commandments 3. Learning to love and respect God's name14/05/2023 The Ten Commandments 1&2 (Exo. 20:1-6)07/05/2023 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)16/04/2023 Open the eyes of our hearts09/04/2023 Three Things to do at Passover & Every week02/04/2023 What is man ? (biblical Anthropology)26/03/2023 Keeping Clean with Jesus (John 13:1-17)19/03/2023 Training_God's educational project for you (Heb. 12:4-13)12/03/2023 Without Doubt? (Tip for believers who doubt)05/03/2023 The Trinity (bible study)26/02/2023 Proud of the Cross? (Gal. 6:10-18)19/02/2023 The Spirit-led Church (Gal. 6:1-14)12/02/2023 Walk by the Spirit or by the desire of the flesh (Gal. 5:16-26)05/02/2023 Why I teach God's Word (Gal. 4:8-31)22/01/2023 A debt unpayable, an offer unhoped for (Mat. 18:21-35)15/01/2023 What do we do with the Old Testament? (Gal. 3:15-4:7) 08/01/2023 Attempts to cancel Christmas (II Chron. 22:10-23:3)18/12/2022 By Faith in Christ Crucified (Gal. 3:1-4)11/12/2022 What happened to me when I believed ? (Gal. 2:20)04/12/2022 Who is Jesus ? A man, God, or both ? 27/11/2022 Pourquoi es-tu si malheureux ?20/11/2022 How a major church split was avoided. (Gal 2:11-16)13/11/2022 Is the gospel INVENTED or REVEALED ? (Gal. 1:11-24)23/10/2022 How many ways to heaven ? (Gal. 1:1-9)16/10/2022 God's holiness training program (Exo. 19-Num. 16)09/10/2022 Know your enemy (Eph. 6:10-20)02/10/2022 Serving with a true heart (Eph. 6:5-10)25/09/2022 How Jesus transforms families (Eph. 6:1-4)18/09/2022 How Jesus transforms marriages (Eph. 5:21-33)11/09/2022 Mission today (Matt. 18:16-20)04/09/2022 Clothed in Christ (Romans. 13:13) 28/08/2022 Some thoughts about God's loving plan for nations (Gen. 12:1-3)19/06/2022 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:17-21)19/06/2022 A new life and a new way of living (Eph 4:17-32)01/05/2022 Resurrection Hope (1 Cor 15:3-9)17/04/2022 Body Building (Eph 4:1-16)03/04/2022 Good news about your citizenship (Eph 3:1-13)20/03/2022 Why do I need Church ?13/03/2022 Three Rs" (Eph. 2:11-22)06/03/2022 Saved ! (Eph: 2:1-10)20/02/2022 God's Biggest Blessing for You (Eph. 1:1-14)06/02/2022 Three reasons to love and serve Jesus (John 1:1-18)16/01/2022